Mrs. Berger's Chemistry and Physics Blog

Of Mice and Men… or Moles and Einstein

Suggestions for Topics October 21, 2010

Filed under: Chemistry — Mrs. Berger @ 2:04 pm

Hello blog readers and chemistry students all over the world!  I have had a lot of activity lately on my post on Empirical and Molecular Formulas.  However, I know you won’t all be learning about this all year so please post a comment to this and let me know of any other topics that you would like to see posts or tutorials about.  Please be as specific as possible and I thank you for your good ideas.  I enjoy helping you out and hope you appreciate the time I take to provide this free of charge. 

Remember, Saturday is Mole Day!  Celebrate with a chemistry teacher you love 🙂  Maybe get him/her a gift from one of my favorite Online Mole Stores.


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